Navigating Through the Legal Matrix: The Right of Palestinian Women to Prevent, Treat and Control Breast Cancer (2020)

Health organizations have extensively documented the significant challenges that confront the health of Palestinian women, and have concluded that breast cancer, the most treatable form of cancer, accounts for the highest number of cancer-related deaths among Palestinian women. This is why the issue has recently risen up international and local agendas, producing extensive discussion of the prevention, treatment and control of this cancer.
The various complications associated with the occupation take on an added degree of complexity when the assortment of international instruments and the involvement of various entities are acknowledged. The obligations that are imposed on different duty-bearers, which this paper engages and unravels, do not present themselves as a foregrounded conclusion but rather as an open question that needs to be engaged in order to ensure a woman’s right to health.
In navigating the legal matrix of entitlements and responsibilities, this paper engages across local, regional and international dimensions to explore the legal basis on which existing rights may be legitimately claimed. In addition, it also seeks to establish how these rights can be asserted, with the intention of helping to rectify a situation in which a disproportionately number of Palestinian women continue to die from a preventable and treatable cancer.

Keywords: #Health; #Human_Rights; #International_Humanitarian_Law; #Occupation; #Women.

Salhi, Mira & Asem Khalil. Navigating Through the Legal Matrix: The Right of Palestinian Women to Prevent, Treat and Control Breast Cancer. Birzeit’s Working Papers Series in Legal Studies (5/2020).

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