The University of Milan, Legal Department Cesare Beccaria invites applications for PhD positions in law, with particular reference to criminal law and procedure, Roman law, history, philosophy and sociology of law, and ecclesiastic and canon law. Deadline for submission is September 14th 2020
Union University Law School Review “Pravni Zapisi” invites submissions for the 2/2020 issue
Union University Law School Review “Pravni Zapisi” invites submissions for the 2/2020 issue. The deadline for application is October 10th, 2020. Applicants may submit papers on topics of a wide spectrum of law areas
The University of Milan, Legal Department Cesare Beccaria invites applications for PhD positions in law
The University of Milan, Legal Department Cesare Beccaria invites applications for PhD positions in law, with particular reference to criminal law and procedure, Roman law, history, philosophy and sociology of law
The Department of Legal Studies at CEU invites applications for an Assistant Professor in international human rights law.
The Department of Legal Studies at Central European University (CEU) invites applications for an Assistant Professor in international human rights law
The Singapore Management University (SMU), School of Law invites scholars to apply for the (LKC Professor) position
The Singapore Management University (SMU), School of Law invites distinguished scholars to apply for the Lee Kong Chian International Visiting Professor (LKC Professor) position to begin in August 2021, for a two months period.
The Working Group on discrimination against women and girls invites contributions to present a thematic report on women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights (SHRC) in situation of crisis
The Working Group on discrimination against women and girls invites contributions to present a thematic report on women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights (SHRC) in situation of crisis to the 47th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2021
The Max Planck Institute for European Legal History offers a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department for European and Comparative Legal History for the research field “Legal Transfer in the Common Law World”
The Max Planck Institute for European Legal History offers a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department for European and Comparative Legal History for the research field
The Oxford Seminars in Jurisprudence has issued a call for papers
The Oxford Seminars in Jurisprudence has issued a call for papers on topics related to the philosophy of law
Católica Law Review has issued a call for papers on “Public Law in Times of Crisis” for its Volume V, issue 1
Católica Law Review has issued a call for papers on “Public Law in Times of Crisis” for its Volume V, issue 1. (Due September 30)
The University of New Hampshire Law Review has issued a Call for Abstracts for its Annual Symposium titled ‘Rights and Responsibilities: Judicial & Legislative Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic’
The University of New Hampshire Law Review has issued a Call for Abstracts for its Annual Symposium titled ‘Rights and Responsibilities: Judicial & Legislative Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic’
The Utrecht University School of Law has issued a Call for Papers
The Utrecht University School of Law has issued a Call for Papers for its Utrecht Law Review
The National Law University, Jodhpur has issued a Call for Papers for its Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Quarterly (Volume 5.1)
The National Law University, Jodhpur has issued a Call for Papers for its Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Quarterly (Volume 5.1). The last date of submissions is 15 July 2020
University of Delhi (India) has issued a Call for Papers for its Journal of Campus Law Centre
Campus Law Centre (Faculty of Law), University of Delhi (India) has issued a Call for Papers for its Journal of Campus Law Centre. The last for submission is 31 July 2020
دعوة لنشر مجموعة مقالات محررة عن “الآثار الإجتماعية والثقافية والنفسية لوباء كوفيد-19”
تدعوكم دار نشر جامعة قطر لنشر مجموعة مقالات محررة عن "الآثار الإجتماعية والثقافية والنفسية لوباء كوفيد-19"
The European Public Law Organization and the European Law & Governance School announce summer courses offered online
The European Public Law Organization and the European Law & Governance School announce summer courses offered online
Católica Law Review invites submissions connected to the subject “Public Law in Times of Crisis” for inclusion in Volume V, issue 1.
Católica Law Review invites submissions, including articles and case notes, closely connected to the subject “Public Law in Times of Crisis” for inclusion in Volume V, issue 1. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2020
The Editorial Committee of Public Law Journal welcomes submissions to the journal’s ‘analysis’ section dealing with issues relating to the public law dimensions of the current Covid-19 pandemic
The Editorial Committee of Public Law Journal welcomes submissions to the journal’s ‘analysis’ section dealing with issues relating to the public law dimensions of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Pieces to be considered for the January 2021 issue should be submitted to the editors by the end of June 2020
The International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism invites participants to register for the course “The Future of Liberal Democracy: Global Dialogues with Leading Scholars”
The International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism invites participants to register for the course “The Future of Liberal Democracy: Global Dialogues with Leading Scholars”
The International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism presents a new online course
The International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism invites participants to register for the course “The Theory and Design of Constitutional Change”
Civil Society Scholar Awards
The Scholarship Programs’ Civil Society Scholar Awards support doctoral students and university faculty to undertake academic projects that will enrich socially-engaged research and critical scholarship in their home country or region.
The American Journal of International Law issued a call for papers for an Agora symposium
The American Journal of International Law issued a call for papers for an Agora symposium on “The International Legal Order and the Global Pandemic.” The deadline for submissions is 1 July 2020.
Sant ’Anna Pisa invites PhD in law Applications (2021)
Sant ’Anna Pisa, School of Advanced Studies, invites applications for admission to the PhD in Law. Deadline for submission is June 5, 2020.
Call for Papers: Covid-19 Public Law Analysis Sections
Call for Papers: The Editorial Committee of Public Law welcomes submissions to the journal’s ‘analysis’ section dealing with issues relating to
The European Yearbook of Constitutional Law has announced a call for submissions for its third volume (2021)
The European Yearbook of Constitutional Law has announced a call for submissions for its third volume (2021) on the theme of rendering advice on constitutional issues in modern polities. The deadline for proposals is 1 June 2020.